Rollers for Hire

Rollers for Hire

Rollers for Hire

Donnelley Hire maintains and offers rollers for hire. Available in a range of specifications up to the heavyweight Single Drum Bomag Model #BW213D5

Construction projects have one thing in common: they require load-bearing subsoil. This is why single drum rollers play a crucial part in the construction process. The compaction method is critical.

Specifications  highly diverse. Donnelley Hire can help you identify and meet the needs of your job.

2.5T Smooth Drum Roller for hire with Donnelley Hire

2.5t Smooth Drum Roller

use cases

Ideally suited for asphalt finishing as well as the ramming and smoothing of loose earth, road bedding, pavement or similar rammable subgrade in layers.

Book yours today.

10t Single Smooth Drum Roller

use cases

Ideally suited for asphalt finishing as well as the ramming and smoothing of loose earth, road bedding, pavement or similar rammable subgrade in layers.

Book yours today.

Hire the Remote Ccontrol Ttrench Rroller model BMP8500 from Donnelley Hire

Remote control trench Roller

use cases

The articulated radio controlled multipurpose compactor achieves outstanding compaction results on soil compaction in trenches, sewers and on pipeline construction. It is best used when conditions become confined or inaccessible. It is the first machine of this type to display compaction progress – this integrated technology aids the operator in achieving optimum compaction results without rework, resulting in time and cost savings.

Book yours today.


Whatever the task we can advise you on the right earthmoving machine and attachment for your job. Even better, we are available 24/7 to provide technical support, after-hours maintenance, scheduled servicing, and emergency support.